Red Hawk Holdings Pty Ltd T/A Vision RV, Sunseeker Caravans and other Brands.
Thank you for visiting Vision RV and expressing an interest in our products.
This policy outlines how Red Hawk Holdings Pty Ltd trading as Vision RV, Sunseeker Caravans and other associated brands (Sunseeker for ease) complies with the Australia Privacy Principles (APP’s) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (“Privacy Act”).
This policy also provides detail on how “Personal Information” (defined by the Privacy Act as; information or an opinion about an individual, which can be used to identify that person) is managed in accordance with the APP’s.
Depending on the particular circumstances, Sunseeker may collect and hold a range of different information about you. This can include your name, date of birth, contact details (including address, email address, phone number or mobile telephone number) and financial information (such as credit card or bank account numbers).
We may collect your information in a number of ways, including:
- directly from you (such as where you provide information to Sunseeker when you enquire about our products and services or visit our website or contact Sunseeker);
- indirectly through third parties (such as where you show an interest in our products or the sectors in which we provided products) and that information in shared with us; and
- from publicly available sources of information.
The kinds of personal information we collect depends upon the nature of our relationship with you.
You can of course have the right not to provide your personal information such as name and phone number when making an enquiry with the Sunseeker, however if you choose not to provide certain information about yourself, we may not be able to provide you with the services or products you require.
If you are purchasing goods or services from us, then you must supply the personal information we deem necessary for completion of the order / sale.
Types of Personal Information collected
Below is a list of the types of personal information collected by us:
- Key personal information such as name, address, telephone numbers, email and other electronic addresses.
- Vehicle information such as make, model, registration number, and other vehicle specific detail.
- Transaction history with the business including information on products purchased from the business in the past, payment history and information about the customers dealings with us.
- Information gathered to improve or develop services and products, or to perform research and analysis to enable us to provide a better service to our customers.
- Financial information (upon request for trade credit or vehicle finance) such as income, assets and liabilities, dependants, employment history, details of property ownership and banking details.
We will not collect personal information that would be unlawful, unnecessary or unrelated to our business.
Purposes for Collecting Personal Information
Sunseeker collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information that is reasonably necessary for one or more of their functions and activities as companies in the business of selling vehicles, parts, accessories and other related products and services.
The main purposes for which Sunseeker collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information are:
- Sales and Aftersales activities including the provision of warranty services
- Customer Relationship Management and support.
- Managing or administering the services Sunseeker provide.
- Recruitment of employees, consultants and contractors.
- Undertaking customer surveys and analysis.
- Marketing activities, including the communication of information about the products and services of Sunseeker.
- Related purposes which would be reasonably expected in the circumstances.
Direct Marketing
As detailed above, we may collect, use and disclose your personal information to inform you of products, services or offers of Sunseeker which may be of interest to you.
We may contact and communicate with you for the purpose of direct marketing via its websites, social media or similar websites, telephone, post, facsimile, email or SMS.
Generally, we will not directly market to you unless you have been given an opportunity to opt out of receiving future direct marketing communications.
However, if we do contacts you for the purpose of direct marketing without having obtained your prior consent, we will advise how you are able to opt out of receiving any further marketing communication.
We will not spam you! It annoys us as much as it no doubt annoys you.
We operate in full compliance with the Spam Act 2003 (Cth), which means we will not send you promotional material if you do not want it sent to you. Neither will we forward your email address to any third parties without your express permission.
If this does go wrong then customers wishing to opt out of any direct marketing undertaken by us (electronic or telemarketing) can do so by emailing a request to
We take the privacy and security of your information seriously. We will
We are committed to maintaining the security of your information under our control and will take every necessary precaution to ensure that personal information kept;
- Is not interfered with;
- Is not removed from the place of business; and
- cannot be accessed by third parties or unauthorised staff.
At Sunseeker, we use a combination of technical solutions, security controls and internal processes protect your information from unauthorised access and disclosure.
We may store your information in hard copy or electronic format, in storage facilities that we own, or that are owned and operated by third party service providers.
While we take these steps to maintain the security of your information, you should be aware of the range of information security risks that exist today and take appropriate care to help safeguard your own information.
Collection of Personal Information
These commitments extend to our staff.
All staff at Sunseeker commit to these high standards as part of their employment. They know to adhere to the below steps when collecting Personal Information that our customers must be advised:
- at or before the time their personal information is being collected.
- that the collection of their personal information is required for the completion of any negotiations, order/sale and on-going after sale communications.
- that their personal information may only be disclosed for the purpose of which it was collected.
- that if the customer does not wish to receive direct marketing their personal information must be removed from any direct marketing activities.
Our website may employ the use of cookies in order to monitor its use and by who. Using cookies allows us to constantly enhance our website in order to make it more user friendly and to improve the services and products we provide.
Most web browser software allows you to block cookies if you choose to do so.
Social Media, Social Media Messaging, Message Boards and Forums
We are active on social media and recognise that so too are many of our customers, supports, brand ambassadors and other caravanning and recreational vehicle enthusiasts.
Our websites or social media accounts may contain interactive features such as Facebook messaging or sharing, Twitter posts, LinkedIn posts, Instagram posts, message boards and forums. Whenever you post personal information in publicly accessible places such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, message boards and forums on the Internet, this information becomes available to anyone with access to the Internet.
Our website or social media accounts may contain links to third party websites or social media accounts. The operators of those websites may have privacy policies and practices which differ from our own. We are not responsible for the content of any external website or the privacy practices of any third party.
Access and Correction
All customers have the right to request access and or corrections to personal information held by the business.
Customers wishing to access their personal information can do so by emailing
All customer requests will be processed within 5 working days upon receipt of request.
If a customer has a complaint relating to the collection, use, access and or security of their personal information please refer the customer to our Privacy Officer.
The Privacy Officer will discuss directly with the customer the issue and resolution in a timely manner.
In the first instance customers must submit their complaint by email at
All complaints will be responded to within 14 days.
Sunseeker reserves its right to review and or make changes without notice to this policy.
Any changes made will be in accordance with any future amendments to The Act.